Praise the Lord for a great summer ministry in Reno, Nevada. Please see our video update below. Video credits to Austin Huffman

The summer of 2020 was difficult for many people in many ways. The most difficult thing for me personally was having to cancel last year’s mission trip. It was the first time in 25 years that Bethany and I have not lead a trip. In the summer of 1997, Bethany and I along with my best friend Stephen Wess launched out into our first teen mission team with eleven teens to help Pastor Greg Wright plant Westside Baptist Church in St. George, Utah.

Twenty-five years and twenty-five mission teams later, Bethany and I are still leading teens on foreign and domestic fields to serve the Lord and find their calling from God for the local church. Whether that be in a full time pastoral occupation, as a faithful layman, or the hybrid approach of bi-vocational, we are committed to seeing God use teens far beyond the youth group and Greenville.

This year it is our privilege to lead another group of excited teens to start the ground work for Stephen Wess and team members Andy Gleiser, Daniel Kelting, James Tilson as they plant a church in Reno, Nevada. We will be canvassing, working on some projects, and have opportunities to worship and serve in a local church while there.

Please be in prayer for our team to be effective for this team of church planters and for the Lord to call our teens to serve Him on the church planting domestic frontier.

If you would like to give towards this exciting, spiritually growing opportunity, please give to the Teen Mission Fund through our PushPay or if you would like to donate specifically to a teen then simply write a check and designate for that teen.

We look forward to giving a report of what the Lord accomplished through the teens from the Morningside Youth group at some point this fall.