Seasons of Life

11 The Seasons of Life, Pastor Josh Crockett | May 9, 2021 am | Eccles. 3:1–8 | Living for More series

Questions for Discussion:

  1. Look over the list of events in verses 1–8. How have you seen God's perfect timing in any of these events? Have you seen God's timing challenge your own timing?

  2. Which set or sets of opposites strike you the deepest and why?

  3. How are God’s and life’s truths reflected in this poem?

  4. Why does God allow polar opposites in life?

  5. When is hating appropriate? What about war? Death? Tearing down? Answer these questions on a personal level (i.e., What sin in your own life do you hate?  What needs to be torn down?).

  6. Why would God want you to make the best use of your time?

  7. How does redeeming your time glorify the Lord?


Beautiful In His Time


Christian Carpe Diem