Beautiful In His Time
Beautiful In His Time, Pastor Josh Crockett | May 16, 2021 am | Eccles. 3:9–15 | Living for More series
1. What things do you seek to control? What might it look like to surrender control?
2. How could you have a wiser perspective on your time?
3. How does God’s control comfort you?
4. How can you and why should you consider doing things, even the mundane, with enjoyment a gift from God?
5. How does God’s sovereignty impact the way you make decisions and plans and how you enjoy even the small things in life?
6. What could it look like for you to “grow small”?
7. How does God’s control challenge you?
8. How is fearing God a good thing?
9. When God brings every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil” (Eccles. 12:133-14), will it be a beautiful day?