Finding Justice
Finding Justice | May 23, 2021 am | Eccles. 3:16–17 | Living for More series
When have you most recently seen a travesty of justice (3:16)? How did you deal with this observation or experience?
When others face injustice how do you provide comfort?
When you have been asked to explain the reasons for injustice, how do you respond? How does this passage affect your response?
How does our God-given inborn sense of right and wrong (Romans 2:15) direct our sense of justice in the world?
We all have this intuitive desire for the wrongs in the world to be made right, so how does the definition of what is wrong and what is right get so distorted?
What are some ways that leaving justice to men can lead to justice not being served at all?
How do the injustices of life remind you of your own human limitations and frailties (3:18–21)? What effect does this have on your present life?
How does the knowledge of final judgment affect how you live your life now?
How does this knowledge about the future judgment help guide your perspective when times of discouragement come because the wicked seem to be winning?
Why does trusting that God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent encourage and sustain a Christian believer?