Upcoming Events
Our Home:
The Upper East Wing
Our high school and middle school students meet on the second floor (All Star Drive side) in the Upper East Wing for Sunday School classes on Sunday mornings at 11:00 and for youth group on Wednesday evenings at 6:45.
Equipping: Teen Sunday School
On Sundays after the 10:00 AM service, middle school and high school students gather in the Upper East Wing to receive dynamic Bible teaching geared toward the heart and mind.
Middle and High School meet together in the Teen Room (Upper East Wing) for fellowship and worship in music. Pastor Jeff will give you a preview of upcoming events, outreaches, and Wednesday nights. For Bible teaching, the middle school will have their own lesson time in the Middle School room located right beside the Teen Room. High school remains in the Teen Room for targeted Bible preaching taught by Pastor Jeff. Our time connecting with your teen during Sunday School is the heart of our ministry.
For further information, please contact Pastor Jeff Webb or call 864.297.7890.
Serving & Sharpening: Wednesday Youth Group
If Sunday is the time to equip and energize our students, then Wednesday is the time they put all that teaching into practice. Training is more focused on Wednesday during our monthly split sessions and small groups, and the application becomes more practical as the teens have opportunities to exercise their spiritual gifts for the edification of the local church.
1st & 3rd Wednesdays — Meeting Your Teen’s Needs in Small Groups
Small Groups is a time for our youth team to mentor teens as we study God’s Word in a smaller environment where we can get to know your teen personally. Prayer, Bible study, and small group discussion that promotes heart connection and growth is our goal for these small group times. See our current blog to see what we are studying for our small group discussions.
2nd & 4th Wednesdays— Meeting Your Student’s Needs through Split Sessions
During the school year, we offer split session for middle and highs schoolers taught by Cindy Steeves (ladies) & Jordan Corriveau (men). These split sessions meet every second and fourth Wednesday of the month. After the session, we take the opportunity to enjoy fellowship in the gym and Teen Room. We also have Ensemble practice for those who want to grow and participate in our music ministry. This semester’s split sessions are studying of men and women of the Bible. For the 4th Wednesdays, we try to put lessons of the woman or women we studies during the 2nd Wednesday into a practical application.
5th Wednesday - Other’s Needs through Outreach
During this Wednesday, we try to help with prep for one of Morningside’s local outreaches. Whether it is prepared literature to be handed out or Easter Eggs for our Spring outreach, there is always something our group do can to help meet these needs.
Connecting: Activities & Camps
Students love to have fun! Each month we combine middle school and high school for a main event that is exciting and engaging. Some months are an Afterglow immediately following the Sunday evening service. Other activities are fun, interactive times for us to build a sense of community and family. At least twice a year, we focus on a Give Back or community-related events. Our teens also serve in other areas of ministry at Morningside.
Our Summer Camp is also an important week during the summer. We select a week for us to attend. Please contact Pastor Jeff for more information - jwebb@morningside.org or 864.297.7890.
We want our teens to have fun, but we also want them to have fun while serving others.
Community and worldwide outreach is important to our youth group. We are often given the opportunity to do a service for a small church in the area, visit a Nursing Home, or help with a work day for a local ministry in Greenville. We look for ways to give back to our local ministries and community. Each year our high school students travel away from Greenville on mission trips. These trips focus the students on others and away from self. Trips range from Vacation Bible School, evangelism, canvassing, and general projects that benefit the local ministry.
2024 TRIP
Reno, Nevada
In July, our teens spend a week and a half ministering in Reno, NV with the Hope for Reno team. They participated in CityVision churchplanting camp and helped out with several projects to be a blessing to Living Hope Church members.
2023 TRIP
Reykjanesbær, Iceland
Our teens spent 10 days in Iceland helping Patrick and Vicki Weimer (our Morningside missionaries) with church and outreach ministries. Our primary goal of the trip was to complete a playground, outdoor play areas, and assist with replacing new windows. All of these renovations are needed to get certification to open a Christian School.
2021 TRIP
Reno, Nevada
On July 18 a team of 28 people left Greenville to travel to Reno, Nevada to work for with the Hope for Reno Church Plant team. This team of four families are endeavoring to reach the second most unchurch city in the US.
Our team primarily worked with Stephen and Tammi Wess, ODBM missionaries and former Morningsiders. We also enjoyed working with the Tillson Family and hearing from Pastor Gleiser. The team focused on learning about church planting. It was also challenging to share our faith in door-to-door opportunities. We were excited to be a part of their first Sunday service in the Cultural Arts Center and passed out over 18,000 pieces of literature while there.
Our team returned to Greenville impacted by the Wesses and Tillsons, and the need of our Savior in Reno. Please enjoy some of the highlights of our trip and join us in praying for Living Hope Church Plant.
2019 TRIP
Njardvik, Iceland
On July 18, 2019 a team of 42 people left Greenville at 4:30 am to travel to Njardvik, Iceland to work with Patrick and Vicki Weimer. We spent 9 days ministering with the peopl in Frysta Baptista Kirkjan / First Baptist Church. Our team found a ministry who shines a bright light in a dark area of Iceland. Each day our team split into two ministries - one group went door-to-door passing out Gospel literature and information about the church. The other part of the team worked on projects to help prepare the church facilities for winter and construction projects as the church looks to open a Christian school in the near future.
Iceland is a country with people from all over the world. During our worship service, we met believers from Uganda, Spain, Poland, Russia, Ivory Coast, and more. What a blessing to worship with believers from across the world.
Our team returned to Greenville impacted by the Weimers, the church family, and the need of our Savior in Iceland. Please enjoy some of the highlights of our trip and join us in praying for Iceland.