Christian Carpe Diem

Christian Carpe Diem | May 2, 2021 am | Eccles. 2:18–28 | Living for More series

Discussion Questions:

  1. Take an "enjoyment inventory" on life. How much satisfaction are you deriving from your sojourn on the earth? Yes, I know you're on your way to heaven, but what's the journey like?

  2. What do the lives of people you know reveal about what they think will make them happy?

  3. What strategies do you think people you know, including yourself, use to avoid facing the reality of death?

  4. Name a few ways that God has taken care of your needs? How has He lavishly supplied your life with His good gifts?

  5. In what ways have you sought to change life through work? What did you learn?

  6. Would you say that you primarily see God as a teacher who wants you to learn, boss who wants you to work, or Father who wants to enjoy life with you?

  7. Can you think of the last time you were conscious of God’s presence and how that made the moment meaningful?


Seasons of Life


Healthy Frustrations