Wise Rebuke
Wise Rebuke | August 29, 2021 am | Eccles. 7:5–6 | Living for More series
Why do fools sing songs of flattery to others, instead of telling them the truth?
What are some reasons why it’s hard to receive criticism?
How well do you receive wise rebukes?
How was Solomon’s dad, David, different than his son, Solomon, in receiving wise counsel (compare 2 Samuel 12 to 1 Kings 12)?
Do you have friends who are willing to rebuke you, willing to tell you the truth?
Who in your life can speak frankly with you about your attitude, marriage, work ethic, etc?
How did you receive this criticism?
When was the last time you rebuked a friend? Did you speak the truth in love? How did they respond?
When in your life have the “wounds of a friend” proven to be faithful and beneficial? Read Proverbs 27:6; Proverbs 20:30, and Psalm 141:5.
Which is harder for you: to rebuke a friend or to be rebuked by a friend? How can you grow in your confrontation skills?