Better Than
Better Than | August 22, 2021 am | Eccles. 7:1–4 | Living for More series
Solomon says…
Character is better than attractiveness (1a).
Your funeral is better than your birthday (1b–2).
Sorrow is better than laughter (3–4).
Application questions:
In what areas of your life is it easy to be superficial?
Do you find yourself valuing people more for their physical attractiveness, than their character?
Why is your last day better than your first day?
Why is sorrow better than laughter?
How often do you give superficial greetings (“How are you doing?” “I’m fine.”)? Why would being more transparent about your sorrow, be better?
When tragedy strikes, how is it better to go to a house of mourning than a house of mirth?
What are ways we try to distract ourselves from thinking about death and eternity?
Why does the psalmist ask God to teach us to number our days so that we may get a heart of wisdom?