Joy In an Unfair World
Joy In an Unfair World | October 31, 2021 am | Eccles. 8:10–17 | Living for More series
Where in your life have you seen that: Life isn’t fair?
Where in your life have you seen that: Hypocrites often popular?
What do you do when you find yourself just going through the motions of worship?
Where in your life have you seen that: Justice against evil often late?
How do you feel about child trafficking, abortion, racism, and so many evils around the world?
Is it easy to think you deserve God’s goodness and forbearance and longsuffering (Romans 2:4) more than evil people in the world? Can you see how God would be using those same means of grace to bring them to repentance?
Where in your life have you seen that: Evil people often live long?
Have you ever experienced like Asaph in Psalm 73 the fear of God overwhelming your fear of men?
Why should you enjoy God’s good gifts in life, despite the suffering and oppression around the world?
What did you think of the statement: “You can’t fix the world in an hour, but you can fix dinner.”?
Do you really believe your Dad is on the throne? Then can you see why having a party would be demonstrating faith in your Father?