Human Authority
Human Authority | October 24, 2021 am | Eccles. 8:1–9 | Living for More series
Whose face comes to mind when you think of being radiant with the joy of the Lord (8:1)? What do others see when they look at you? Do you have the joy of the Lord? Why or why not? Have you used your upbringing or personality to make excuses for your lack of joy?
What authority has God placed over you? Do you obey authority even when you disagree, or when it might inconvenience you?
How can you remind yourself that all authority is instituted by God Himself?
In what areas do you tend to armchair quarterback your authority?
Do you extend patience (v. 3) toward your authorities (parents, spouse, boss, government)?
What are the lines that you have drawn where you will obey God more than man?
Have you ever experienced an unexpected “bomb” go off in your life? How did you learn to trust God’s sovereignty? When you feared the worst, how has God used that to create a blessing?
Do you submit to your governing authorities? In what specific ways is this evident in your personal life? Read Romans 13:1–7; Titus 3:1; and 1 Peter 2:13–15. When is disobedience to government appropriate (8:5–6)? Read Daniel 3 and Acts 4:1–29; and 5:29. How have you sought to balance these responses?