Giving Back Jesus (Pastor Miller, 2 Cor. 9:15)

Giving Back Jesus
II Corinthians 9:15

1. In II Corinthians 9:15, what are the two possible meanings of God’s “unspeakable gift”?
2. What are three ways we can readily understand what we have when we have Jesus?
[Ans: His Names; His life, His “I Am’s” in John’s Gospel]
3. Name some of the things that a person receives when he or she has received the free gift of
4. God gave us Christ. How can we give Christ back? Discuss some incorrect ways [reject Him
as Savior, removing Him, free will] and many correct ways.
5. In what ways do you think your family or your life does not reflect or reciprocate the Lord
Jesus Christ?
6. Give some Scripture passages that the Holy Spirit could use to guide, encourage or
empower you to reciprocate Jesus or to give a Christlike life to God.


God With Us (Pastor Ontoy, Gal. 4:4)


Great Gain (Dr. Josh Crockett, 1 Tim. 6:3-19)