Christ-like Compassion

Chris Anderson 

Matthew 8-9

Missions Conference

1. Discuss what it means to have compassion on both multitudes and individuals.

2. In what sense were the Jews, despite having many religious leaders, "harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd"?

3. How could we be more Christ-like in our compassionate engagement of the lost, and especially of social outcasts?

4. Jesus spent much of His time with social pariahs--lepers, Gentiles, notorious sinners, and the like. Where would Jesus likely minister if He were in the Greenville community today?

5. Jesus met both physical needs and spiritual needs. In what way is that a model for us today? How should we balance the two in our ministries?

6. Jesus contrasted the vast harvest with the few laborers in His day. The need is even greater in our day. How can we cultivate a greater burden for the lost, both at home and abroad?

7. How can you more intentionally carry out Jesus' command to pray for laborers?

8. Why is the concept that missionaries are "heroes" demotivating for normal church members?

9. As we pray for more laborers, have you sincerely prayed for the Lord to send You if He should so choose? Are you ready to leverage your life, passions, and talents to take the gospel where it's not?


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