Declaring His Glory Among the Nations (Pastor Henson)

Declaring His Glory Among the Nations

Psalm 96


1) Is Missions Conference week about more to you than simply some intense and intentional preaching on the great need of the world and the great responsibility of the church?

2) Is there something more foundational that motivates your thinking about and engagement in missions than merely the reality of human need and a personal sense of guilt or responsibility?

3) In Psalm 96, where does the psalmist root our thinking so that he might motivate our action/engagement?

4) What does the psalmist call us to declare to the “heathen” (literally, the nations of the world)?

5) Has your own heart been gripped by the three foundational truths in this passage (that our Lord is the only true God, that our Lord is worthy of worship, and that our Lord will judge the world)?

6) Which of these three truths are you most convicted by (personally) and then motivated by (missionally)? Why?

7) Based upon what we studied together this morning, what is one specific thing the Lord convicted you about? How do you plan to respond to that conviction? In other words, what will you do or what will you change in response to His work in your heart today?


Christ-like Compassion


Polarizing Jesus