You are Valuable to God
You are Valuable to God Pastor Crockett 1 Pet. 2:9-10
1. What are some things the world tells you about your self-image?
2. As priests we enjoy God’s presence (5, 9). Why is this access important?
3. In the OT, who was the only one who had access to God? And how long did this last?
4. Why do we not need a priest or human mediator to have access to God?
5. Why does the privilege of access as a priest also bring the responsibility to serve?
6. As God’s people, we are His possession. Why is important to belong?
7. Being God’s people has the privilege of belonging, but what responsibility does it bring?
8. Your self-image was forged in darkness but is now defined by the One who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light (9). How does that change how you view yourself?
9. Why are you valuable to God?