The Stumbling Stone

The Stumbling Stone (1 Pet. 2:6-8)

1.    What did the Holy Spirit convict or encourage you about in this passage?

2.    What does it mean for you to count Christ the Cornerstone as more precious than anything else? What does it look like in your everyday life to treasure Jesus above all else?

3.    If you reject Christ as your Cornerstone, what will He become to you? What does that mean?

4.    Have you found your place in the Church— the spiritual house that God is building?

5.    Are you an active member being built up in God’s spiritual house? Are you committed to one another? Are you serving one another?

6.    Instead of being connected to one another, it’s easy to become frustrated with other living stones in the church because of their rough edges, but what is God doing to their rough edges and ours as He fits us together for His spiritual house?

7.    Are you making Christ your cornerstone? Are you building your whole life on Him? Your marriage, your family, your job, your finances, your reputation?


You are Valuable to God


The Cornerstone