On Easter Sunday we celebrate that Jesus of Nazareth rose… from the dead.

That itself was a miracle.

But it also proved another miracle.

Ever since Jesus began His preaching, He would tell His hearers to “repent”—to turn away from their sin. He told them that God was too holy to accept their good deeds as payment for their bad deeds. But He also told His closest followers that He would lay down His life willingly.

After He rose again, Jesus made sure His followers understood. He was the Messiah, the one promised since the beginning of human history who would conquer sin—and death—and the Devil himself.

A few weeks later, overcome by what had happened, those followers launched the Christian church. Paul’s letters tell us why they were so overwhelmed. They finally realized that in His death, Jesus had done what we sinners could never do. He satisfied the wrath of God that we had earned with our sin. Jesus rose again to show that His death had paid the penalty for sin for anyone who believes in Him.

This year we invite you to join us on Good Friday as part of Easter weekend. We will celebrate Communion and reflect on our Lord’s sacrifice. Join us in our chapel at 7 PM on Friday, April 7.

Our senior adults calendar also includes a great opportunity to experience the Easter story at Bob Jones University’s Living Gallery production.