If you are not a member of Morningside, please check out our membership page.
How Can I Serve?
If you are a member or regular attender and interested in serving in ministry at Morningside, please let us know.
Instant Church Directory
Download the instant church directory app on your phone or access it online.
Email your picture and information (family names, mailing address, phone #s, email addresses, birthdates, anniversary) to mypicture@morningside.org to be included in the directory.
Email info@morningside.org to request login credentials.
With our church growing rapidly, we provide Morningsiders a great way to connect with each other and learn new members' names and faces. Our church directory is kept up-to-date with a free app (search for Instant Church Directory in your app store) or an online version called Instant Church Directory. To help you connect with our church family, please complete the following steps:
Activity Request Form
If you would like to request church resources or promotion on the church calendar please complete our Activity Request Form. Please contact us with any specific questions.
Morningside has had the privilege over the years of hosting many weddings. If you are a member or a regular attender at Morningside and would like more information about our wedding policies, fees, and procedures, please email us or call 864.297.7890.
Our church is here to assist families as they go through a time of loss.
Please use the Morningside Funeral Checklist for the Family for assistance in planning a funeral. If you need pastoral assistance, please contact the church office at (864) 297-7890.
Child Worker Screening Application
Here at Morningside, we care about the safety of our children. We desire to provide an atmosphere that is protective of its youngest attenders. As a volunteer, we require all those serving our children and families to complete the following steps before serving in our children’s ministry:
Complete the Child/Youth Worker Application. Click here to fill out the application.
Read our Child Safety Policy.
Complete a federal and local background screening. Click here to complete the screening.
Complete online training.
For additional questions, please email our Children’s Ministry Director, Lara Cropsey.