Even during COVID-19 social distancing, it’s been a huge blessing to see church members not only giving financially but giving of themselves.

While our campus was mostly vacant Thursday afternoon, a small crew gathered to clear shrubs. The crew took advantage of the rain-softened soil but also used some hydraulic equipment to help remove holly bushes--which are notoriously strong. Facilities manager Steve Wright, operator Josh Weiss, and designer Jan Flinte got assistance from Helmut Flinte and Josiah and Micah Wright. Now that spring is here, Jesse Klobuchar has also started mowing our grass and trimming the remaining hedges again. Thanks to each one for working hard to help Morningside not just survive now but also thrive in the future!

New plantings—requiring less maintenance than the old—are on the way soon. If you’d like to help on planting day or mulching day (times TBA), contact Jan Flinte, Steve Wright, or the church office. Bring a spade and hand trowel for planting day if you can, and a small rake and gloves for mulching day.

We’ve heard of several other ministries this week as well—members picking up groceries for seniors, sending letters to children, and just checking on each other. (And if you missed our March 7 post sharing the work of two Morningside men building a ramp for a Morningside family, this link may help.) We’ve gotten to distribute some of the benevolent fund too; some needs have arisen or gotten worse because of the current coronavirus crisis. Thanks to each of you who are continuing to give and serve--even from a distance!