Holding services since 2003, Hope Baptist Church is in Nicholtown, a historically African-American community.

In 2001, several Christians [including some Morningside members] were discussing the condition of a crime-ridden area in Greenville, SC... Someone suggested there needed to be a good, "Bible-believing and Bible-preaching church in the Nicholtown community of Greenville…" The Lord saw fit to answer their prayers. —hopebaptistsc.org

We support Hope monthly and recruit volunteers for Wednesday children’s ministry and VBS.

We schedule Pastor Ben Gordon to preach for us at least once each year and invite their kids to events like Back to School Splash.

When you choose “Missions” at morningside.org/give, you’re helping us support Hope. But when you serve at Hope, that partnership can go even deeper. Hope’s VBS this year is July 8-10. Would you like to help?