Wisdom Chooses Grace
Wisdom Chooses Grace | September 26, 2021 am | Eccles. 7:15–18 | Living for More series
Are there times when you want to question God? When things in life don’t seem fair? How do you continue trusting Him during those moments?
Are proverbs in biblical wisdom literature hard and fast rules or general rules, like doctrine? Why is it important to know the difference?
Have you known a godly person who died young? Or a wicked person who lived a long life?
Explain the difference between karma and grace?
How do Christians sometimes assume functional karma when another believer is suffering? Why can this be so hurtful?
How do Christians sometimes assume functional karma when another believer is prospering? Why can this be destructive?
Why is grace so important to someone who thinks they are self-righteous?
Why is grace important to someone who thinks they’re too terrible a sinner to be forgiven?
How do other religions and cults think they’ll earn favor with God by their good works? How do Christians in our circles sometimes think they can earn favor with God by their good works?
Compare Ecclesiastes 7:16b (“neither make yourself over wise”) with 1 Corinthians 8:1 (“knowledge puffs up”)?
Share your story of how you were a sinner saved by grace.