Stairs to Nowhere
Stairs to Nowhere | July 25, 2021 am | Eccles. 6:1–6 | Living for More series
How does our culture think wealth will bring us satisfaction?
What does verse 2 mean when it says God gives a man riches, wealth, and honor, but does not give him the power to eat thereof? How does this work?
What aspects of uncertain riches are you tempted to put your trust in (i.e., 401k, investments, comfortable income)? Why should trust instead in the living God who gives you all things richly to enjoy (1 Tim. 6:17)?
How is it easy to view your family as a forever gift instead of a gift on loan—as an end in itself, rather than a means of glorifying God?
How would it change your view of marriage and family, if you viewed them as momentary?
What are you doing to see your family become enthusiastic members of God’s family?
Will you commit, at whatever stage of life you’re in, to submitting your family and your finances, your life to the Lord?