Do You Remember? (Pastor Ontoy)

Standing Together – Summer Sermon Series
“Do You Remember?”
Jude 5-7

  1. The Israelites: Doubting God’s Word

  2. The Angels: Denying God’s Authority

  3. The Cities: Distorting God’s Order

Sermon Discussion Questions:

  1. How did the Holy Spirit illuminate or convict you of truth this morning?

  2. Have you experienced the hurt and discouragement of someone who abandoned the Christian faith? How did that news impact you?

    • Application: Pray for restoration. Ask God to lead you in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

  3. Jude provides us 3 examples from the Old Testament. Does the Old Testament matter for believers today? Why do so many Christians ignore the Old Testament?

    • Application: When was the last time you studied a book of the Old Testament? Take time in your devotions to study all of God’s Word (Read 1 Cor. 10:11; 2 Tim. 3:16).

  4. Why is it sometimes easier to rely on cultural Christianity than to pursue a personal relationship with God? Have you ever been tempted to just blend in or go through the motions?

    • Application: Examine your heart. What are you really trusting in for salvation? Is there an area of your life that you’re not trusting and obeying God in?

  5. What did you think about the 2 different views about the sin of the angels in Jude 6? Based on Scripture, which view do you believe? How does your view explain all the verses in Scripture? (For example, see Mark 12:25. Is this a contradiction in Scripture?).

    • Application: Do more homework. Ask the Lord to give you understanding and humility as you diligently search the Scriptures like the Bereans. Ask for unity with other Christians as you extend grace to others who disagree on secondary and tertiary issues.

  6. How does the Creation account shape a Christian’s belief and practice regarding sexual ethics?

    • Application: Plead for grace to live a holy life. Repent of any sins that displease God.


This Is the End (Pastor Ontoy)


Do You Love Jesus? (Pastor Miller)