A Faith Worth Fighting For (Pastor Ontoy)

Standing Together – Summer Sermon Series

“A Faith Worth Fighting For”
Jude 3-4

1. The Charge: Contend

A. Initial Priority

B. Higher Priority

2. The Reason: Phantom Menace

A. Twisting God’s Grace

B. Taking God’s Place

Sermon Discussion Questions:

  1. How did the Holy Spirit illuminate or convict you of truth this morning?

  2. Is your personality more prone to speaking out or keeping peace?

  3. Why are you sometimes tempted to avoid contending for the faith?

  4. On the flip side, how can you ensure that you contend without being contentious?

  5. Why are we tempted to make secondary issues primary issues, on par with the gospel?

  6. Have you ever had doubts about the authenticity of God’s Word? Did this message help you better understand why you can trust God’s Word as truth?

  7. Have you ever been tricked by someone you thought was on your side? Why was that so hurtful/dangerous?

  8. What are other ways people twist God’s grace? What are some reasons (heart motivations) that lead people to twist God’s grace?

  9. Is there an area of your life that you have not surrendered to the Lord? Why haven’t you?

  10. What is a change to your beliefs, attitude, or behavior that you’re going to change this week, by God’s grace, because of today’s message?


To Be Content (Dr. Josh Crockett)


Jehovah Jireh (Jerry Sivnksty)