Called, Loved & Kept (Pastor Ontoy)

Standing Together - Summer Sermon Series

"Called, Loved, & Kept"

Jude 1-2


  1. Author: brother of James & servant of God

  2. Audience: called, sanctified / loved, & kept

  3. Abundance: mercy, peace, & love

Sermon Discussion Questions:

  1. Did you learn anything new today? Was there a truth that you needed to be reminded of this morning?

  2. Have you been tempted to falter or waver when you see apostacy? If so, why?

  3. Why is it so important to start with our identity in Christ before going into spiritual battle?

  4. How does the call of God give you assurance?

  5. Sanctification is a pretty “churchy” word. How does today’s message impact your view of sanctification?

  6. How specifically does the preservation of God comfort you?

  7. Was there a blessing in verse 2 that was an encouragement to you today (mercy, peace, love)? Why did that blessing stand out to you?


Jehovah Jireh (Jerry Sivnksty)


Unity Through Communication