The Scream of Love for You

Pastor Josh Crockett preaches on Christ's cry from the cross as Pastor Kevin Chen translates into Mandarin Chinese during a combined Communion service.

The Scream of Love for You (Mark 15:33-34)

  1. Self Examination: How does the concept of God's wrath challenge your understanding of His love, and how does Jesus's sacrifice on the cross redefine that perspective?

  2. Personal Assessment: In what ways do you struggle to accept God's love due to feelings of unworthiness or self-righteousness? How can you overcome these barriers to fully embrace His grace?

  3. Spiritual Awareness: How does the realization of Jesus taking on the full weight of God's wrath for your sins impact your daily perception of yourself and your relationship with God?

  4. Gratitude Check: Take a moment to consider the depth of Jesus's sacrifice on the cross. How does this reflection inspire gratitude in your heart, and how can you express that gratitude in your daily life?

  5. Sin Awareness: Do you sometimes minimize the seriousness of your sins, viewing them as less significant compared to others'? How does Jesus's cry of abandonment on the cross challenge this perspective?

  6. Salvation Understanding: Reflect on your understanding of salvation and forgiveness. How does Jesus's sacrifice on the cross offer hope and assurance in the face of sin and guilt?

  7. Response Evaluation: How do you typically respond to reminders of Jesus's sacrifice, such as communion or the reading of Scripture describing His crucifixion? Are there ways you can deepen your response to these reminders?

  8. Self Reflection: Take a moment to examine your heart and motives. Do you ever rely on your own goodness or righteousness rather than fully embracing the grace of God offered through Jesus's sacrifice? How can you shift your perspective?

  9. Surrender and Acceptance: Consider any areas of your life where you struggle to accept forgiveness or believe in God's love for you. How can you surrender those doubts and fully accept the truth of God's unconditional love?

  10. Action Plan: What practical steps can you take to more fully live in the reality of God's love and grace as demonstrated through Jesus's sacrifice? How can you share this message of love and redemption with others in your life?


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