Responding to Suffering

Responding to Suffering (Mark 15:1-20)


1.     Personal Application How did the Holy Spirit illuminate or convict you of truth from this sermon?

2.     Self-Examination: Reflecting on your own responses to suffering, do you tend to react out of fear, envy, or obedience?

3.     Identifying Envy: Can you recognize instances in your life where envy has influenced your thoughts or actions, particularly in comparison to others' possessions, relationships, or circumstances?

4.     Overcoming Envy: What steps can you take to overcome feelings of envy and cultivate a heart of gratitude for the blessings in your own life?

5.     Fear of Man: In what areas of your life do you find yourself succumbing to the fear of man, seeking approval or avoiding conflict at the expense of obedience to God?

6.     Fearing God: How can you cultivate a greater fear of God in your life, recognizing His sovereignty and authority above the opinions and judgments of others?

7.     Acceptance of Suffering: When faced with suffering, do you find yourself lashing out in resentment or quietly accepting it as an opportunity for obedience and growth?

8.     Suffering as a Test: How does your response to suffering reveal the strength of your faith and trust in God's sovereignty and goodness?

9.     Living Sacrificially: In light of Christ's sacrificial love in dying as your substitute, how can you demonstrate that same love to others, willingly sacrificing your own comfort and desires for the sake of their well-being?


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