God's Comfort for Real Emotions

God's Comfort for Real Emotions (Mark 14:32-36)




I.      Because Pressure is real, you need God’s comfort. (32a)

II.    Because Prayer is real, you can find God’s comfort. (32b)

III.  Because Emotions are real, you need God’s comfort. (33-34)

IV.  Because God’s will is real, you can find God’s comfort. (35-36)


1.    Personal Application:

·      How did the Holy Spirit illuminate or convict you of truth from this sermon?

2.    Faith in the Valleys:

·      How has your faith been tested in the valleys of life, and what struggles are you facing currently?

·      Reflecting on the story of the father in Peter De Vries' book, have you ever felt vulnerable or devastated to the point of losing faith? How did you cope?

3.    Understanding Jesus' Sacrifice:

·      How does the imagery of Gethsemane as an olive press resonate with your understanding of Jesus' suffering for us?

·      In what ways can you remind yourself of Jesus' care for you when you are going through trials?

4.    Prioritizing Prayer:

·      How often do you prioritize spending time alone with God in prayer, especially during challenging times?

·      What distractions do you face when trying to have focused prayer time, and how can you eliminate them?

5.    Handling Emotions:

·      Reflecting on Jesus' emotional distress in Gethsemane, how do you handle your own emotions in times of difficulty?

·      Have you ever felt as overwhelmed as Jesus did in Gethsemane, surrounded by sorrow and grief? How did you cope?

6.    Identifying with Jesus' Humanity:

·      How does knowing that Jesus faced trials and temptations as a human impact your perspective on your own struggles?

·      What does Jesus' submission to God's will in Gethsemane teach you about obedience in difficult circumstances?

7.    Choosing God's Will:

·      How do you typically approach decision-making in your life, and in what areas do you struggle to submit to God's will?

·      When faced with decisions that seem right in your selfish thinking, but may lead to spiritual death, how can you choose God's will instead?

8.    Aligning Life with God's Purposes:

·      Reflect on a recent decision you made or need to make. How can you align it with God's will, even if it's challenging?

·      In what ways can you prioritize submitting every area of your life to the Father's will, even when it's difficult?

9.    Commitment to God's Will:

·      Considering the importance of decision-making and submission to God's will, what steps will you take to align your life more closely with His purposes?


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