Christ's Roadmap for the Future

Christ's Roadmap for the Future 

Mark 13:1-13

1.    Personal Application: How did the Holy Spirit use this message in your life?

2.    Balancing Curiosity: How can curiosity about the end times be balanced between excessive fascination and apathetic indifference, as mentioned in the sermon?

3.    Importance of End Times: Why do you think Jesus emphasized the importance of understanding and preparing for the end times, as seen in the repetition of "Take heed" in Mark 13?

4.    Imminence of Christ's Return: How does the concept of Jesus' return being imminent impact your perspective on preparing for the end times?

5.    Signs of Progression: According to Mark 13:5-13, what are the four general signs of progression toward the end that Jesus outlines?

6.    Dealing with Deceivers: In what ways can believers guard against being deceived by false messiahs and misleading teachings, as warned by Jesus in Mark 13:5-6?

7.    Response to Persecution: How does the promise of salvation connected to endurance (Mark 13:13) impact your perspective on facing potential persecution for your faith?

8.    Sharing the Gospel: How can believers use times of persecution or difficulty as opportunities to share the gospel, as suggested in the sermon?

9.    Rejoicing in Suffering: Reflecting on Acts 5:41, how can believers cultivate a mindset that rejoices in suffering for the sake of Christ, as exemplified by the early disciples?


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