Resisting the Roaring Lion

Resisting the Roaring Lion (1 Pet. 5:9)   

  1. What did the Holy Spirit teach you from this passage?

  2. How does our culture often underestimate Satan?

  3. How could visualizing a lion in your place of temptation help you recognize the danger of Satan's attacks?

  4. How do some Christians become obsessed with Satan? Or use him as a scapegoat?

  5. How can you stand firm in the faith to resist Satan?

  6. What are some specific passages that help you battle temptation?

  7. Why is it important not to run from a roaring lion, but to resist him?

  8. How important is it to have a church community of brothers/sisters who encourage and pray for you in your walk with Christ?

  9. Knowing you’re not alone should be a comfort. Do you look for ways to encourage others when you see them struggling?


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