Hope-Giving Fear
Pastor Crockett - 1 Pet. 1:17
In his article The Fear Of The Lord: Seeing God As He Is, Sinclair Ferguson defines the Fear of God as...
(1) a consciousness of being in the presence of True Greatness and Majesty; (2) a thrilling sense of privilege; (3) an overflow of respect and admiration; and perhaps supremely, (4) a sense that His opinion about my life is the only thing that really matters. To someone who fears God, His fatherly approval means everything, and the loss of it is the greatest of all griefs.
How is this Fear of God different than the anxious dread or terror of God that we see in passages like Gen. 3:10; Ex. 14:31; Rom. 3:18?
How does viewing God as your Father (17a) motivate a fear of God that gives you hope in God?
We may think of love for God and fear of God as incompatible. But how could that change if we viewed fear of God as “love plus respect”?
God is an impartial judge seeing us “without a mask.” What are some masks that you’re tempted to put up (tough & intimidating, nicer & better, that you have everything together)?
If the Bible makes it clear we’re saved based on Christ’s crosswork, not on our own works, how can we be expecting a day of judgment?
What’s the difference between the Great White Throne and the Bema Seat?
1 Cor. 3:11-15 describes some Christians’ life’s work being reduced to ashes. What is this referring to?
Why should the fear of God diminish your fear of man (Matt. 10:28)
What do you think John Newton’s line in Amazing Grace means “Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved.”? And how could you apply it to your life?