Hope in the Resurrection

Hope in the Resurrection       Pastor Crockett          1 Pet. 1:20-21


1.     What are some reasons you think people are losing hope?

2.     What are ways you are tempted to evaluate your worth using the culture’s standards?

3.     How does knowing God’s plan of redemption was before the foundation of the world increase your hope?

4.     How does being the object of God’s redemption (“for you,” v. 20) give you a sense of value?

5.     If the ransom paid for your soul is so precious, what does that say about how God values you?

6.     Why could the symbol of Christianity be the empty tomb, even more than the cross (1 Pet. 1:3; Rom. 10:9)?

7.     What does it look like to put your faith in God (v. 21)? When’s the last time you invited someone to do that?

8.     What are ways you can look to the Resurrection for your living hope, instead of losing hope this week?

9.     What are ways you can remind yourself of your value in Christ this week? Consider the stanzas to the hymn “My Worth is not in What I Own.”


Loving Each Other


Redeemed by Blood