Serving for God's Glory
Serving for God's Glory (1 Pet. 4:11)
What did the Holy Spirit teach you from this passage?
How can using your gifts be a way of giving thanks and glorifying God (v. 11)?
Can you serve in an area where you're not especially gifted?
How should you view ministries in a church that have great need, even if you're not especially gifted in that area?
How did God give people serving gifts that were manual or artistic?
Bezalel & Oholiab (Ex. 35:30-32)
Other skilled craftsmen (Ex. 36:1)
Hiram (1 Kings 7:14)
How would you answer someone who says they can't do a more menial task because it's not their gifting?
How could you try to keep people from overvaluing certain gifts and thinking those gifts are more important than others?
How does the metaphor of the church being the Body of Christ encourage people to realize the importance of using their specific gifts and abilities?
How can you fight pride in seeking more visible areas of service?