Living by Faith in an Uncertain World
Living by Faith in an Uncertain World
Pastor Crockett
Dec. 19, 2021 am
Eccles. 11:1-6
1. Do you feel full of faith and joy and triumphant this Christmas? Or do you feel surrounded by risk and uncertainty? Why?
2. Why is it hard to commit to making an investment for some people?
3. Why is it difficult to wait patiently for an investment to bring a return?
4. How well do you do at diversifying your investments?
5. How could you better diversify your spiritual investing in other people?
6. Why is it easy for people driven by success to focus on one thing?
7. Why is it hard for people paralyzed by fear to try anything?
8. Verses 3 and 4 teach a life of faith doesn’t wait for perfect conditions. Why are you tempted to wait for perfect conditions?