Sanctity of Life
During our January 21, 2024 service, we will celebrate the Sanctity of Life. We will collect baby bottles to support our gospel partner Piedmont Women’s Center and name tags to help us love each other better. We are also planning a baby dedication for one of our member families.
Name Tags
Please get a name tag when you come to church on Jan. 21. Our names are personal and make us feel "human" and valued. We want everyone to feel valued on Sanctity of Life Sunday - the unborn and born! Tags will be at all entry doors.
Baby Bottles
We acknowledge that all life is precious to our Creator God. We are all created in His image from the time of conception (Psalm 139:13-14).
In an effort to support life, we have partnered with Piedmont Women’s Center to fill baby bottles with change, cash or checks. Please pick up one bottle per family in the lobby and return to the Welcome Center by the end of February.
Our liaison to Piedmont Women’s Center, Beth Cofer, will share other ways we can all get involved and support life especially through our prayers for staff and clients.
2022 Sanctity of Life Presentation