Outreach Film: "An Open Door"

David Rogers, one of our Morningsiders, recently produced an outreach video focused on his years as a child observing his father’s godly example. Read this short synposis and watch David’s stop motion Lego video at the link below. Share this video with others who may be encouraged by its message.

Synopsis: In the summer of 1974, my dad was emphasizing a need for Christians to be soul winners in the church he was pastoring.  In our family devotions, they were encouraging us also to be telling others about Christ.  Daddy led by example when a door-to-door salesman came to our house selling encyclopedias.  Daddy led him to Christ and he wound up spending most of the day with our family.  We were reassured that he had made a sincere decision for Christ when we encountered him in town a few days later.  In the middle of the road he came up to the car to thank Daddy for sharing Christ with him.


Thanksgiving with Miracle Hill Ministries


Miracle Hill Overcomers Graduation - 10/15/20