Mystery Island
We welcomed over 150 kids to Mystery Island this week! For kids through grade 5, drama, animal pals, snacks, crafts, and games all reinforced one truth: God’s name deserves our enthusiastic praise (Psalm 145:1). The middle school group focused on learning about God’s great love.
We want to give a big thank you to all our volunteers who made VBS a big success! If you’d like to help us follow up with families from our community, please contact Pastor Huffman at Awana begins in the fall, and next year’s VBS is set for June 5-8.
Day 1
We learned that God is GREAT!
Tropical Travelers respond to Day 1’s lesson about God’s greatness.
Day 2
We learned that God is ALMIGHTY!
The story of Jonah showed us that God is everywhere, knows everything, and can do anything!
Day 3
We learned that God is RULER!
Fish in the sea? No, just a great VBS snack reminding us that God rules over the ocean too!
Day 4
We learned that God is EMMANUEL!
Middle School
There’s always more to learn about God’s love!
Leading middle school VBS—and smiling!
Thanks to Jenn Stuhl for coordinating our photos and to Rosie Alger, John Burnette, Jonathan Harper, and Jonathan Lovegrove for sending them!