The Great Flood (Genesis 6-9)

Genesis 6 gives us an understanding of the growth of early civilization. After Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden of Eden, the sinful state of humanity spread as far and wide as their family trees. God saw that every inclination of the human heart was evil all the time. And God regretted that He had made man. Yet, God had a plan to redeem His created world from sin that leads to death.

How did God provide salvation for Noah and his family? How has God provided redemption for us?     

Though God was deeply grieved by the lifestyles of humanity, He found favor with righteous Noah. God chose to spare Noah from the destruction to come. He explained to Noah that, through faith-led obedience, he and his family would be spared from the flood waters. God instructed him to build an ark and to supply it with everything the people and animals needed while onboard.

As the water surged on the earth for 150 days, God remembered Noah and the ark and caused the storms to cease. Then God established a covenant with Noah, that He would never again curse the ground as He had with the flood. He blessed Noah’s family, instructing them to be fruitful and multiply. Even though God’s judgment on sin resulted in the waters flooding the earth, God provided a means of salvation that would result in a greater rescue to come through the family line of Noah.

Still, Noah’s obedience was not enough to secure mankind’s ultimate salvation. Even after the rescue of Noah and his family, God knew the inclination of the human heart was still evil. (Gen 8:21). A greater rescue and superior sacrifice were needed to rescue people from sin. God would send His own Son to take on the wrath they deserved. Noah’s faithfulness in building the ark is but a glimpse of Christ’s faithfulness in taking to a different wooden vessel—the cross—and securing the salvation of all who would place faith in Him. Help your kids see the mercy of God through the story of Noah’s ark, that the God who created them has been faithful to provide the way back to Him through faith in His Son, Jesus.

Christ Connection: God rescued Noah and his family from the flood. The story of Noah points to an even greater rescue. God’s Son, Jesus came to take the punishment for our sin. By trusting in Him, we are saved from the power of sin and death.


The First Family (Genesis 4)