Volume 10: God Wants Us to Know Him

God Wants Us to Know Him (Matthew 28)

Today's passage from Matthew 28 is referred to as “The Great Commission.” We see here that the resurrected Jesus purposely brought His eleven disciples together to receive the invitation and instruction they would need to fulfill the Father’s will. God’s overall plan for His creation has always been that they would know Him and lead others to know Him, too. 

What was the significance of Christ drawing near to them in this passage? Why does the Lord promise to be with them as He commissions them to teach the good news to others? 

Verse 18 tells us that, despite the disciples’ fear and doubt, the Lord chose to draw near to them. His words offered the encouragement and direction they needed to hear. The Word made flesh—Immanuel—draws near to His people, even amid their unworthiness. This is the essence of the gospel message, and it is the good news that sustained the church then and still does today. 

Jesus also knew the trials and persecution His disciples would face in the days to come. This is why He promised to never leave or forsake them, even when their situations seemed hopeless, disheartening, or dangerous. No matter what, until the end of the age, the Lord continues to remain near to His people. 

Consider how the Great Commission began with Jesus declaring that all authority belongs to Him because He has perfectly completed the Father's plan for salvation, accomplishing what we cannot. Then, reflect on the reality that Christ continues the call to create new disciples: to inform others of how they, too, may respond to this invitation to know Jesus for themselves. Christ—our perfect example, our God-made-flesh—has invited us into His story of redemption so we would guide others to Him as well. 

Explain to kids that despite our fear and doubt, Christ extends the Great Commission to us and has given us the authority and power to share the good news with those around us. Our call to know Jesus was never meant to end with us, but to be extended to others. 

Christ Connection: Jesus came to earth as a baby, lived a perfect life, and died on the cross for our sins. He rose from the dead and invites us into God’s family forever. God wants us to know Him and to tell others about Him, too. 


Volume 10: Jesus Gave His Followers a Mission


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