Volume 9: Jesus Was Anointed

Jesus Was Anointed (Matthew 26; Mark 14; John 12)

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John all recounted Christ’s anointing in the last days before Passover. As Christ, His disciples, and friends all gathered to remember what God had done for His people so long ago, Mary anointed Jesus. We continue to celebrate the legacy of her worshipful act, just as Jesus proclaimed we would.

What was the significance of Mary’s extravagant offering? Why did Christ declare that she would always be remembered for the affection she displayed for her Lord?

While Judas’ eyes were blinded by his own greed, Mary’s hands were guided by devotion to Christ alone. Though it seemed her offering of such precious perfume was a waste of resources, her reverence was not lost on Jesus. He deemed the costliness of her worship to be noble and exemplary. A year’s worth of oil was worth less to her than this opportunity to worship Him there in His presence. She found herself unwilling to waste such an occasion to showcase His worth before all who were assembled in Simon the Leper’s home.

To Jesus, it did not matter where the cost of the oil went, so much as the fact that she offered it up to Him in worship. So often, those on the outside wish to find the worth of our worship through a worldly lens. However, Christ is more interested in the obedience of our hearts. The joy in our giving is of greater value than any price tag it may bear.

Mary’s choice to anoint the Lord with this costly oil became preparation for His burial; her sacrificial choice to honor Him with all she had was not put to waste. In fact, it helped establish her legacy in Scripture and even brought Christ one step closer to fulfilling the Old Testament prophecy.

Explain to kids that genuine worship, even at its costliest, is never wasted because He is worth more than all the treasures of the world. Mary’s opportunity to demonstrate Christ’s value before the others was what set her apart. How can we lead our kids toward lives of genuine devotion to Christ?

Christ Connection: Pouring the expensive oil on Jesus was not a waste; it was worship. By allowing Mary to anoint Him, Jesus showed that He is more valuable than anything. Jesus knew He would soon die, be buried, and rise from the dead on the third day to rescue sinners.

Key Passage: We are memorizing Isaiah 53:1-12 during this quarter. Primary children will be memorizing Psalm 23.


Volume 9: Jesus Shared a Last Meal


Volume 9: Jesus is Our Perfect Prophet