Volume 9: From Death to Resurrection

Volume 9: From Death to Resurrection

The gospel story unfolds through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Jesus—our perfect Prophet, Priest, and King—rose on the third day. The final days of Jesus’ ministry on earth showed how He is the true Redeemer who rescues us from sin.

Unit 25: The Warnings of Jesus

As the final days of Jesus’ earthly ministry drew near and His rejection was at hand, He continued to warn all who would listen to turn from sin and trust in Him. Failing to believe in Jesus and to love God and live accordingly has consequences.

How is Jesus the perfect Prophet? Jesus perfectly reveals God the Father and fulfills what the prophets spoke.

Jan 28 Session 1: People Welcomed Jesus as King (Matthew 21; Mark 11; Luke 19; John 12)

Feb 4 Session 2: Leaders Wanted to Trick Jesus (Matthew 22)

Feb 11 Session 3 3: Jesus Warned about Not Loving (Matthew 23)

Feb 18 Session 4: Jesus Warned about Not Acting (Matthew 25)

Feb 25 Session 5 (Big Truth Session): Jesus Is Our Perfect Prophet (Deuteronomy 18)

Unit 26: The Arrest of Jesus

The time for Jesus’ rejection was at hand. After sharing a special meal with His disciples, Jesus was betrayed by one of His own and was arrested. Even as His death approached, Jesus continued to act as a perfect Priest, loving His followers and praying to the Father on their behalf.

How is Jesus the perfect Priest? Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for sin, and He speaks to God the Father for us today.

Mar 3 Session 1: Jesus Was Anointed (Matthew 26; Mark 14; John 12)

Mar 10 Session 2: Jesus Shared a Last Meal (Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22)

Mar 17 Session 3: Jesus Was Arrested (Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22)

Mar 24 Session 4 (Big Truth Session): Jesus Is Our Perfect Priest (Hebrews 7)

Unit 27: The Death and Resurrection of Jesus

The darkest day the world has ever seen became the brightest day one glorious Sunday morning. After Jesus was unjustly convicted of a crime, He was crucified and His body was placed in a tomb. But on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead, defeating sin and death and rising again as the conquering King.

How is Jesus the perfect King? Jesus perfectly rules over the universe as the King of kings.

Mar 31 Easter Escape Room

Apr 7 Session 3: Jesus Was Raised (Matthew 27–28; Mark 15–16; Luke 23–24; John 19–20)

Apr 14 Session 4 (Big Truth Session): Jesus Is Our Perfect King (Colossians 1)


Volume 8: Jesus Raises Lazarus


Volume 8: Jesus Knew He Would Be Rejected