Volume 9: The People Welcomed Jesus as King

The People Welcomed Jesus as King

(Matthew 21; Mark 11; Luke 19; John 12)

In all four Gospel accounts of the triumphal entry, we uncover the truth that Jesus reigns as the sovereign King over everything. From the need for a processional donkey to the praises spilling from children’s mouths, He continued to fulfill the Old Testament requirements for the coming Messiah—the One promised since the beginning.

Why were the crowds so welcoming to Jesus and His disciples on this day? What led them to sing so loudly, to make way for His arrival so exuberantly? Many had heard the news of this prophet from Nazareth. Some had even witnessed His miraculous, healing power for themselves. Yet they all looked on with the hope that He would do even more for them now as their long-awaited King.

Those they encountered while entering Jerusalem were excited to see what Christ would do next, especially regarding the Roman rule they faced. They knew of Scripture’s promises and wanted more than anything for Jesus to be their answered prayer. They were more than elated to celebrate Him as the object of their kingly anticipation but failed to recognize Him as Someone greater—their Messiah and Lord.

Amid their jubilant festivities and merrymaking, they missed Christ's purpose in heading toward their city. It was not for the sake of sitting on an earthly throne, but to stake His claim as sovereign Ruler of the universe. He was not interested in merely delivering them from Pontius Pilate, but rather from life and eternity spent without God.

As you prepare to teach kids about Jesus’ triumphal entry, reflect on the full picture of the gospel’s good news: We do not have to wonder who Christ would turn out to be, nor shall we simply compartmentalize His reign to only one area of our lives. We already know of His death, resurrection, and ultimate victory over sin. We have even more reasons to welcome and worship Him than those in this story!

Teach your kids that Jesus made His way into Jerusalem to make a way for us to be with the Father for all eternity. May we never take for granted His sovereignty not just as King, but as Lord of all.

Christ Connection: Jesus is the Messiah spoken about by the prophet Zechariah: “Look, your King is coming to you; He is righteous and victorious, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9). One day, Jesus will return to earth on a white horse as King over everything.

Key Passages: We are memorizing Isaiah 53:1-12 during this quarter. Primary children will be memorizing Psalm 23.


Volume 9: Leaders Wanted to Trick Jesus


Volume 8: The World is Against God