Morningside Kids 3/5/23 - Jeremiah Encouraged God's People
God’s Word is living, active, sharp, powerful, and profitable. (Heb. 4:12; 2 Tim. 3:16-17) The Bible indicates that by the power of the Holy Spirit, God’s words teach, rebuke, correct, and train us so that we are fully put together for the work that God has created us for. The Bible is full of stories, illustrations, commands, warnings, and heart-provoking questions that provide for us everything we need.
Yet, throughout our lives, we intentionally disregard God’s words for us. We are guilty of the same thing that Jeremiah 29:19 describes—not listening to God’s words.
When we know God’s words and know that God’s words are good for us, why do we continuously neglect them? The answer is simple: we prefer our own way.
Throughout the Bible, God warns us by direct command and historical example. We find explicit instructions to obey God’s words and explicit assurances of the pending consequences for refusing to obey His words. We find instances where God executes His justice on those unknowingly ignorant toward His instructions and those blatantly defiant toward Him.
God takes His words seriously and expects that we do the same.
What is your relationship to God’s words given to us in the Bible? Are you distant, aware, knowledgeable, or in awe? Are you dismissive, forgetful, interested, or obedient? God’s expectation is that we would hear and obey His words, that we would seek His truth and live His truth, and that we would know His instructions and heed them.
The reality is that we all will fail to do this, but there is hope because of the One who has the title "The Word.” Jesus, the living Word of God, lived a perfect life in full obedience to God and His words, yet He died the death that we deserve so that in our failure, we might find hope.
The answer to our struggle to listen and obey God’s words is not better listening, but a greater love of God, a greater hope in His Son, and a greater trust in His Spirit. His expectations are great, but His mercy is more.