Volume 8: Jesus Taught About God's Love (Luke 15)

Jesus Taught About God’s Love (Luke 15)

Let’s set the scene: It’s Monday morning, you’re running late for work, where you have an important meeting scheduled first thing. But before you can make it to work, you have to drop off the kids at school. And before you can drop the kids off at school, you’ll need to get everyone in the car, which means you’ll need the car keys. And therein lies the problem. Where are the car keys?! A panicked search ensues, sofa cushions are tossed to the ground, bags are emptied, pockets are turned inside out. You have the car, you have the kids, you have the backpacks, lunchboxes, and your wallet, but without the keys, no one is going anywhere. 

Every time I read the three parables that Jesus shares in Luke 15—the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son—I can’t help but imagine such a scene. A valuable target that’s worth the risk and resources to go and get. 

From these three stories, it’s fair to ask, “Who is it that Jesus is after?” A close look at the context where Jesus shared these parables helps us understand. 

Jesus has been approached by tax collectors and sinners. These are the worst of the worst in the eyes of the religious people of the day. But there’s another audience as well. The Pharisees and scribes had gathered. And while they complained about Jesus being with such terrible sinners, Jesus started to make a point that leveled the playing field. 

These three parables illustrate that Jesus is concerned about the far-off sinner who has either wandered from faithfulness or has yet to taste and see the goodness of God. But He is also concerned with the outwardly righteous, inwardly sinful Christians who consider themselves deserving of the grace of God. Both are in great need of the love of God.

As we read Luke 15 it should stir our hope for those around us that are far from God and in need of salvation or restoration. But it should also cause us to see our own need for the love and grace of God. 

The love of God is relentless, coming after us in our time of need. Whether He is leading us to Himself in salvation or leading us to repentance from our sin, Jesus is in pursuit. We are all always in need of his love and grace.

Christ Connection: Jesus told these parables to teach about God’s love. God sent Jesus so sinners can be forgiven. As Savior, Jesus loves and seeks sinners. He paid the ultimate price—His own life—to save people from sin.


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