Volume 8: Jesus Taught About God's Kingdom (Matthew 13)

Jesus Taught About God’s Kingdom (Matthew 13)

Jesus often used parables to teach about the kingdom of God. These were fictional stories that illustrated larger points, and those who heard them were often perplexed by their meaning. In Matthew 13, Jesus gave clarity to two important questions that readers of the parables often ask: why does He teach this way, and what do these things mean?

Jesus had a specific purpose in everything He did. Not one moment in the life of Jesus was purely accidental or circumstantial. Jesus had clear intention in all that He did.

Jesus’ disciples asked Him, “Why are you speaking to them in parables?” Jesus explained that He did this not to confuse them but to fulfill the prophecy that those who belong to the kingdom of God will hear and understand, but those who do not will hear and not understand.

In this same chapter Jesus also explained some of these parables. All of them were intended to show the unique, surprising, and powerful nature of the kingdom of God. As you consider this week’s Bible story, reflect on two realities illustrated by these parables about the kingdom of God.

First, the kingdom of God will appear to be made up of those who are true believers and those who are not. There are some good fish and some worthless fish, some wheat and some weeds. But in these parables, we learn that there is no confusion for God in who His children truly are. In the end God will separate the two, which means we don’t have to. God will take care to guard His eternal Kingdom.

Second, the kingdom of God may look small or weak, but in the end, it will prove to be larger, more powerful, and more beautiful than we can imagine. The kingdom of God is worth giving up all you have, though starting from a small seed it will grow to be the most prominent tree, and the leaven of the kingdom will impact every bit of the flour.

God’s kingdom is unlike anything else we’ve ever known, and the way Jesus sought to explain that was through parables that demonstrated the beauty and power of the Kingdom. These parables allowed God's people to hear and understand, yet left those of this world to hear and wonder.

Christ Connection : The kingdom of God is growing in the world. This kingdom is valuable and worth giving everything for. While we wait for Jesus to return and fully set up His kingdom, we carry out the mission of telling others about King Jesus, who rescues sinners.


Volume 8: We Are Part of God's Kingdom (Matthew 22; Luke 14)


Advent Resources for Families