Volume 8: Jesus Fed Many People (Matthew 15, Mark 5)

Jesus fed many people (Matthew 15, Mark 5)

As you read of the miraculous multiplication of bread and fish in Matthew 15 pay attention to what captures your attention. What stands out most? Consider these astonishing observations: Thousands of people had been following and listening to Jesus for three days with nothing to eat. The disciples doubted Jesus’ ability to provide something substantial enough to meet the needs of this crowd. With seven loaves of bread and a few small fish, the disciples were able to feed a crowd of thousands. At the end of this simple meal, the people had food left over.

But one observation seems to showcase the heart of Christ in this story–He had compassion on the crowd. The hungry multitude had nothing to eat and would surely collapse on their journey home. From this compassionate heart, Jesus performed His miraculous works that not only satisfied their hunger, but produced an abundance of leftover food. Such is the heart of Christ, to show compassion, give generously, and seek to satisfy.

Jesus' miracle demonstrated both His power and His love. Just as He had power to multiply the loaves and the fish, so does He have power to save us from sin. And just as He displayed His love toward the crowd, so does He display His love toward sinners by way of the cross. The Bread of Life gave His body to be broken so that our hungry souls would be satisfied and find life.

Through Jesus' miracle of feeding the crowd, we find the gospel message: set your heart to feast on Jesus and you will live. (John 6:51) Only in Christ will we find forgiveness, satisfaction, and life eternal. We can turn to Jesus and be reminded that in Him we have all we need.

As you study the miraculous works of Jesus, don’t lose sight of the love of God on display through these acts. To know the works of Jesus is to know the tangible evidence of His unsurpassed love.

Christ Connection: By feeding the crowd, Jesus provided for the physical needs of the people. Later, Jesus called Himself the bread of life. (John 6:35) Only Jesus can satisfy our souls forever by providing forgiveness, peace with God, and eternal life.


Volume 8: Jesus' Miracles Prove He is God


Volume 8: Jesus Healed Sickness (Matthew 9, Mark 5, Luke 8)