We’ve been supporting missionaries a long time, but it’s only been about 30 years since we started our own missionary sending agency. Open Door Baptist Missions is the sending agency for a third of the missionary families we support, and it helps other churches send dozens more families around the world.
The Brandenburg Gate opens in Berlin, 1989.
ODBM began as a ministry of Morningside in 1990. As the Iron Curtain fell, our church family wanted to make it easier to send mission trips to places that were eager for missionaries. Today ODBM helps churches send nearly 40 missionary families around the world from Reno to Southeast Asia to South Africa and more.
New Website: For years, ODBM has used odbm.org to serve its missionaries, churches, and donors. This fall that domain is transferring to Our Daily Bread Ministries, and ODBM will begin to use a new website. Check out odbmissions.org when you can!