Why Living Hope Reno Matters to Morningside Greenville

Why Living Hope Reno Matters to Morningside Greenville

Our Teen Mission Trip heads to Living Hope Church (Reno, NV) this July, and we would love to do more.

As announced Wednesday, April 24, we will be holding a special business meeting on May 8. We will vote on using 10% of last year’s overage to strategically partner with our Hope for Reno church plant. If the vote is favorable, we will then hold a Bridge to Reno interest meeting on May 12 (11:15 AM, AUD). If you are interested in taking a mission trip to Reno, please let us know. We may be able to help fund part of your trip.

Why Reno?

Living Hope Church

Started by a team of four families in 2021, the mission of Living Hope Church centers around bringing broken lives to living hope in Christ. The name of their church comes from the first chapter of 1 Peter where Peter reminds the early Christians that they were “born again to a living hope.”

Connection Between Greenville and Reno

Their congregation is just like ours, committed to following Christ and sharing the hope that comes through knowing Him. The Wess family is sent out directly from our church, and we are excited to see them serving the Lord in this new place. Several teams from our church have been out to visit Reno include our teens and Pursue young professionals. Other members of our church have gone out to visit the church to learn about the ministry.

The Importance of Church Planting

Living Hope Church is committed to being a light for the Gospel in Reno, as of 2017 the second most unchurched city in America (Barna).

While Greenville is overflowing with wonderful Gospel churches, we at Morningside have a similar burden to be a light in our community in Greenville. We also believe in partnering with those spreading the Gospel around the world. Morningside is heavy focused on investing in missions. It’s a core part of our identity.

Financial Support

Our investment into missions flows not only from the Bible’s commands to spread the Gospel, but also from the hearts of the people in our church. We support all four church families financially and we have supported people from our church who have gone out to visit and encourage them. Sending more teams of people out to Reno is a priority of ours for this year.

Challenges and Triumphs

Initially, the four families who started the church were by themselves, but God has brought numerous people to them from the community in Reno and from around the country. The church in Reno will continue to face many challenges ahead, but God will continue to bless them just like he already has.

Future Plans and Continued Support

We hope that you will continue to support the ministry of Morningside and Living Hope by investing financially in their success. We also hope you will consider investing some of your time by visiting the church in Reno. By taking the time to meet the people of the church and hear their burdens, you will be able to pray for them more confidently.

We are excited to extend our support and partnership to Living Hope Church, knowing that together, we can make a difference in the lives of countless individuals who are seeking purpose in their own lives - purpose that can only come through Christ.

This summer our teen mission trip returns to Reno. If you would like to give toward their trip, just choose “Teen Mission Team Fund” at morningside.org/give.

Apply today for Bridge to Reno!

Spring Update from Dave & Shawn Smith

Spring Update from Dave & Shawn Smith

The last few weeks have been another reminder of the crucial importance of prayer (James 5:13-18).  Thank you for praying for my (Dave) recent trip to Asia.  I enjoyed the opportunity to interact with and teach college students.  I had the privilege to preach in several churches including two on Palm Sunday.  It’s always a blessing to worship together with believers from around the world.  A highlight was attending and speaking in a pastors’ conference.  These pastors serve in various regions throughout Asia facing growing affliction and persecution.  The theme of the conference was “Standing in the Coming Storm. As bad as the opposition to Christianity has been in Asia, it seems to be getting much worse.  I have to be vague in a public forum like this but one local leader, who is well aware of the current situation, described it as the “normalization of hate” towards Christians.  I’ll write more on that in another post.  The wars, church burnings, and blatant attacks on Christians continue to spread throughout several countries in Asia.  At the same time, the Gospel continues to spread to the regions beyond and to those who have never heard.  The needs and unreached peoples seem endless, so please continue to pray for our Asian brothers and sisters who are serving faithfully in the midst of evil opposition.

BAM Retreat

BAM Retreat

The Lord blessed this year’s ODBM Business As Mission (BAM) retreat with larger attendance than previous years. You can read more at ODBM.org.

Watch the 1-minute video below for some of the highlights.

Several Morningside members helped lead the retreat, and student attendees included regular and associate members.

We pray that the Lord uses this retreat to advance the gospel around the world.

All photos courtesy of ODBM.

New Post from Dave & Shawn Smith

New Post from Dave & Shawn Smith

“We're excited to begin a new chapter of our ministry by serving Asian churches in reaching the Unreached with the Gospel. God blessed and opened many doors last year to start the transition. We're excited to continue taking steps forward to see what God has in store for us in 2024. Here's what's coming up in the next few months and how you can pray for us.”

4 New Missionaries for 2024

4 New Missionaries for 2024

In December 2023, our members voted to begin monthly support for 4 new missionaries and ministries. We are especially excited that some of them are our own members.

Pastor Dave and Shawn

As announced last year, Dave Smith is heading back to the mission field.

Pastor Dave has directed Open Door Baptist Missions and serving as our missions pastor for several years. Pastor Dave is continuing to help direct ODBM while he begins his transition, and on Oct. 29 Joe Henson became our new missions pastor.

We’re thankful for the ministry Pastor Dave has had here. In the years to come we’re excited to see what he and Shawn will accomplish in the Lord’s strength even while they’re away from us.

Paul and marla fields

Paul and Marla served for 40 years in Paraguay and joined Morningside in 2019. Paul has served as the assistant director of Open Door Baptist Mission since that year.

In addition to his work at ODBM, Paul’s MBC ministry includes co-teaching the Victors class with Pastor Miller.


Vision20/20Asia equips national preachers and trains believers in Asia. Vision20/20 began under the leadership of our member Jim Starr. In January 2021, Dr. Mike (last name withheld for security purposes) became the executive director.

John Lehman

John has served at a sister church for many years and plans to spend the next 5 years equipping believers around the world through courses and seminars he has developed. He presented his plans in our PM meeting on Nov. 19.

Myanmar Trip Report from Pastor Dave

Myanmar Trip Report from Pastor Dave


Thank you for praying for my recent trip to Myanmar. Pastor Miller had originally planned to go, but when he was unable, I was happy to go in his place. My primary purpose was to preach in the first missions conference held by Grace Baptist Church (GBC) and to teach a week-long seminar on missions at the Grace Baptist Theological College & Seminary (GBTCS).

Missions Conference

Several years ago, GBC sent their first missionary to a northern town on the Myanmar-China border. Today the church supports seven national missionary families serving throughout Myanmar. This was the first time that they were able to host all the missionaries for a conference in Yangon. ODBM gave funds to cover their travel expenses. Some had to travel by bus for nearly 20 hours. Each missionary gave a report of their church planting efforts and enjoyed the fellowship with each other and the church family. I enjoyed being with them and preaching on missions.


The GBC members were engaged in the conference, but with heavy hearts. One of the deacons passed away on the first day. He was the brother of former MBC/ODBM missionary En Khan Kham, who passed away in 2021 from Covid and cancer. At the same time, reports of increased military oppression and war in the north further dampened our spirits. Everyone knew of churches or relatives impacted by the fighting in these areas. Two missionaries were directly impacted being cut off from their homes and churches. It took several days to return home, taking the bush roads and avoiding the main highway. Despite the heartaches and concerns, the conference went forward with a greater sense of the need to advance the Gospel. 

College Seminar

During the week, I taught 3-5 hours/day at GBTCS. Enrollment dropped during Covid and the coup, but they are slowly growing again and have over 50 students. Their new campus is almost finished. While the work has been steady, it’s been slow due to the impact of the coup. Morningside has had a long partnership with GBTCS by helping with various projects and sending a container of theology and ministry books for their library. This was my 5th time to teach at GBTCS and I always enjoy interacting with students. I taught on the biblical philosophy of missions and the importance of being “in the world but not of it.” The students responded well and shared testimonies of God working in their lives to prepare them for Gospel service.

MBC Missionaries

My visit was a great opportunity to reconnect with Morningside missionaries.  Dr. En Khan Kham was supported by Morningside and served under ODBM before passing away. He was critical to the launch and growth of national missions efforts throughout Myanmar. The missionaries shared with me that he had a huge influence in their lives, and that he faithfully trained, visited, and encouraged them. It was a blessing to meet with his widow and adult children to see that they are all well during these difficult times.

It was also a blessing to be hosted by Dr. Hung Kim, the president of GBTCS. Hung & Priscilla attended Morningside while studying at BJU and continue to be supported by MBC. It was a blessing to fellowship and serve with them at GBC and GBTCS. I’ve enjoyed partnering with Hung in strategizing national missionary efforts to the Unreached People Groups in Myanmar.

Our Future Ministry

The trip was a key part of our gradual transition to serving as missionaries in Asia. I plan to return to Myanmar in May for more missions teaching and training. We look forward to living in Asia so that we may serve full-time to help develop national missions efforts in Myanmar and other countries. Please continue to pray with us for a new ODBM Director and for God’s provision of our support.

Thank You

If you look up Myanmar on the US travel website, it has a Level 4 rating which is the highest warning, meaning “Do not travel.” It reminds me to pray and thank the Lord for our MBC/ODBM missionaries and national believers who are enduring affliction for the Gospel. I’m thankful for Morningside’s commitment to send and partner with those going to the hard places to proclaim the Good News and make disciples of Christ.  It was my pleasure to represent Morningside to share your love in Christ with them and let them know that they’re not forgotten. They asked me to express their thanks to you for your love and support.

“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.”

2 Thessalonians 3:1-2

- Pastor Dave

New Missions Pastor

New Missions Pastor

On Oct. 29 we welcomed Pastor Joe Henson to our pastoral staff. As our Missions Pastor, he will oversee our Morningside missions program. Dave Smith continues to lead ODBM during the next phase of his transition. Pastor Henson will also serve in our college-age Rooted group.

Get to know the Henson family.

New Ministry for Pastor Smith

New Ministry for Pastor Smith

This fall Pastor Dave Smith shared his plans for a new phase of ministry: back to the mission field.

Pastor Dave has directed ODBM since 2010 and has also served as Morningside’s missions pastor for the last several years.

Dave grew up in Papua New Guinea. After he and Shawn served there for about a decade, he returned to direct Open Door Baptist Missions and eventually became Morningside’s missions pastor.

As Dave traveled the world working with ODBM missionaries and their partners, he often worked with national pastors. Many of those pastors serve in countries that are closed to American missionaries. This year, he realized that with his training and contacts he could serve even more effectively closer to the field.

Dave and Shawn present their new ministry plans on the evening of September 3.

You can learn more about their plans now on their new website.

Stephen Wess and Living Hope Church

Stephen Wess and Living Hope Church

Wednesday, August 9, our church planter Stephen Wess will report from Living Hope Church (Reno, NV). We’re excited that our kids and teens will join us for his report.

L to R: Kamden, Tammi, Klayton, Stephen, and Kurtis Wess

Stephen and Tammi spent several years as church planters in Las Vegas before moving to Reno in 2021. You can connect with Stephen on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Living Hope Church was chartered in April 2022. Here they are worshiping in McKinley Community Center, their usual meeting place.

Missionary Schlehlein Guest Speaker

Missionary Schlehlein Guest Speaker

Paul helped organize last January’s Advance the Gospel conference.

July 23 our guest speaker is our missionary Dr. Paul Schlehlein. Paul’s last time preaching at Morningside was on New Year’s Day. This time he will preach for us in the morning and evening services.

Paul and Melinda and their eight children serve among the Tsonga-speaking people of South Africa. Paul has served in South Africa with Open Door Baptist Missions since 2006. Morningside has supported the Schlehlein family since 2020.

Paul blogs at Between Two Cultures. He is the author of John G. Paton: Missionary to the Cannibals of the South Seas (Banner of Truth, 2017).

Living Hope Church and Morningside Missions

Living Hope Church and Morningside Missions

May 6-11, Pastor Smith is leading a church planting interest trip to Living Hope Church (Reno, NV).

This is Morningside’s third mission trip to Reno. Our teens traveled to Reno in the summer of 2021. They helped the Hope for Reno team prepare for launching Living Hope Church on October 24, 2021. The week after the launch, a team from Pursue traveled there. Living Hope Church celebrated its charter service on April 24, 2022.

All four families in the Hope for Reno church planting team are supported by Morningside and sent through Open Door Baptist Missions. One family, Stephen and Tammi Wess, are sent from MBC.

Evangelist Jeremy Frazor, our homecoming 2022 speaker, held services at Living Hope Church just last month.

Other trips planned for 2023 include the Teen Mission Trip (July 20-31, Iceland) and a senior adults mission trip (September 10-16, Madison, GA). See our teens page and our senior adults page for more details.

Bowers to New Field

Bowers to New Field

Missionaries that have ministered in Haiti for decades all agree – the current situation in Haiti is the worst they have seen. Over 90 gangs have been empowered by power-mongers whose greed and wicked pursuit reign supreme. Violence and kidnappings have become everyday occurrences. A gallon of gas on the black-market costs $30 causing Haiti’s infrastructure (schools, hospitals, stores, etc.) to become paralyzed. Haiti’s greatest need is prayer!

Tim & RoseAnne Bower

Tim and RoseAnne Bower have been our missionaries to Haiti for many years. As conditions in Haiti continue to get worse, the Bowers are making plans to go to a different mission field this year.

On the evening of December 4th Tim shared with us how God has been leading them to Haitians in the Bahamas.

2021 MBC Missions Investment

In addition to monthly supporting over 60 missionaries and ministries worldwide, Morningside has invested over $24,000 this year in special gifts, projects and short-term missions to advance the Gospel and impact the nations for God’s glory.

Relief Aid for India & Myanmar - $2,900

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Gifts to Local Ministry Partners - $1,310

MBC Local Min Partners.jpg

US Ministry Projects - $3,600

Wess Move to Reno | MTT Bus Repairs

Wess Family Move to Reno and MTT Bus Repairs

Special Gifts & Honorariums for 9 Missionaries - $3,450


Investing in the Next Generation - $12,800

Pray for the Tsongas - Prosperity Gospel


Paul & Melinda Schlehlein along with their seven children serve among the Tsonga people in northeastern South Africa. They are veteran missionaries diligently planting Gospel seeds, making disciples and establishing indigenous churches. To learn more about their ministry visit tiyani.org

Paul & Melinda Schlehlein along with their seven children serve among the Tsonga people in northeastern South Africa. They are veteran missionaries diligently planting Gospel seeds, making disciples and establishing indigenous churches. To learn more about their ministry visit tiyani.org

Pray for the Tsonga Families

Morningside & ODBM missionaries Paul & Melinda (South Africa) share great insight of how we can pray for their ministry in serving Tsonga families.

Paul & Melinda Schlehlein along with their seven children serve among the Tsonga people in northeastern South Africa. They are veteran missionaries diligently planting Gospel seeds, making disciples and establishing indigenous churches. To learn more about their ministry visit tiyani.org

Paul & Melinda Schlehlein along with their seven children serve among the Tsonga people in northeastern South Africa. They are veteran missionaries diligently planting Gospel seeds, making disciples and establishing indigenous churches. To learn more about their ministry visit tiyani.org